I write one thoughtful long-form essay every month on stories with speculative elements—science fiction, fantasy, horror, and beyond. Consider this a missive for anyone obsessed with how to read, write, edit, and appreciate outstanding speculative fiction, hosted by me, a recovering historian who now manages book production for traditional indie publishers, and who possesses an insatiable curiosity about how good books are made. The Speculative Reader’s Notebook is all about stories that take such big-as-all-heck risks that we cannot resist giving them a closer look.

My name is Cassandra Farrin and I am a spec fic writer and production manager based in Idaho who also happens to be a Shin Buddhist, identical twin, and adoptive parent slightly obsessed with—and a little frightened of—foxes, birds of prey, and other fantastical beings disguised as ordinary animals. You can follow me on Twitter @CassaCassaCassa.

Sign up for a monthly essay on new speculative fiction releases, along with the occasional (brief) appreciation of stories that have maybe been around a while already but deserve some love, as well as (also brief) notes from the production floor for those who’ve always wondered how a manuscript transforms into a book.

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one thoughtful essay every month on new speculative fiction (sci fi & fantasy)
